Generate verification report

This endpoint generates a detailed verification report for domain-specific issues, such as U.S. medical policy verification. The API compares medical claims or policies against a verified knowledge graph to determine accuracy and compliance.

Endpoint: POST

Request Example

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "claim_id": "12345ABC",
    "policy_text": "The patient is eligible for a 20% copay for all outpatient services.",
    "medical_record_text": "Patient X received outpatient surgery on January 15th, covered under policy number XYZ."

Response Example

  "claim_id": "12345ABC",
  "verified": true,
  "compliance_rate": 0.95,
  "discrepancy_found": false,
  "report_summary": "The medical record aligns with the insurance policy. The claim is eligible for a 20% copay."


  • claim_id (string): The ID of the medical claim being verified.

  • policy_text (string): The text of the insurance policy.

  • medical_record_text (string): The corresponding medical record text to be verified.

Response Fields

  • claim_id (string): The claim ID for tracking purposes.

  • verified (boolean): Indicates if the policy and medical record are aligned and valid.

  • compliance_rate (float): The confidence level that the claim meets policy guidelines.

  • discrepancy_found (boolean): Indicates if any discrepancies between the policy and medical

  • record were found. report_summary (string): A summary of the verification result, highlighting any issues or confirming compliance.

Last updated